Marketing services
Package solutions
- In-depth interviews with experts
Analysis of foreign economic activity
Analysis of the tender procurement archive
Analyst recommendations
Marketing research reports
- Market research
- Competitive analysis
- Research on sales patterns
- Product research
- Consumer research
- Evaluation of advertising effectiveness
- Mystery shopping
- Database compilation
Business plans and financial models
- Business plans and feasibility studies
- Complex investment projects
- Presenting to banks and investors
- Selection of suppliers and equipment
- Financial models
Search of promising business opportunities
- Assessment of the company’s internal capabilities
- Identification of the most promising niches and segments
- Competitive saturation
- Assessment of the potential profitability and payback
Surveys and interviews
- Telephone surveys
- Online surveys
- Private surveys
- Expert interviews
- In-depth interviews with consumers
- Focus groups
- Hall tests
Complex analytical support
- Internal audit
- Business performance analysis
- Optimization of business processes
- Regular market monitoring
- Outsourcing marketing and analytics departments
- Consulting service
- Creating a financial business model
Development strategies
- Product assortment policy
- Promotion strategy
- Pricing policy
- Company differentiation strategy
- Creation of a Unique Selling Proposition for each segment
International market research
- Analysis of production and consumption centers
- Analysis of the structure import supplies to the studied countries
- Competitive analysis
- Determining the potential of export routes
- Identifying barriers to market entry
Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources
Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources. These include: official state statistics, publications in the media and industry publications, reports from research centers, professional associations, data from international marketing agencies, and materials from the Internet.
The method allows you to get a large amount of information, take into account different points of view and approaches, and form an objective view of the situation in the industry.
Choose the industry you are interested in
Choose the solution you are interested in
Determine your market share
Evaluate the prospects for launching the production of a new product
Choose new business lines
Identify customer needs
Get funding for the project
Get information about competitors
Evaluate production and commercial risks
To assess the perception of the brand
Example of one of them
Условия предоставления исследования:
данный проект индивидуально дорабатывается в соответствии с пожеланиями клиента.
Срок выполнения заказа: 15 рабочих дней.
The next step
Why choose us?
Our services are based on a unique combination of proprietary market research methods and a high level of human intelligence.
Countries we work with
Completed reports
15 years
On the market
> 85%
Repeated requests
900 billion RUR
Attracted investments

- In-depth interviews with experts
Analysis of foreign economic activity
Analysis of the tender procurement archive
Analyst recommendations
- In-depth interviews with experts

- Market research
- Competitive analysis
- Research on sales patterns
- Product research
- Consumer research
- Evaluation of advertising effectiveness
- Mystery shopping
- Database compilation

- Business plans and feasibility studies
- Complex investment projects
- Presenting to banks and investors
- Selection of suppliers and equipment
- Financial models

- Assessment of the company’s internal capabilities
- Identification of the most promising niches and segments
- Competitive saturation
- Assessment of the potential profitability and payback

- Telephone surveys
- Online surveys
- Private surveys
- Expert interviews
- In-depth interviews with consumers
- Focus groups
- Hall tests

- Internal audit
- Business performance analysis
- Optimization of business processes
- Regular market monitoring
- Outsourcing marketing and analytics departments
- Consulting service
- Creating a financial business model

- Product assortment policy
- Promotion strategy
- Pricing policy
- Company differentiation strategy
- Creation of a Unique Selling Proposition for each segment

- Analysis of production and consumption centers
- Analysis of the structure import supplies to the studied countries
- Competitive analysis
- Determining the potential of export routes
- Identifying barriers to market entry
Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources
Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources. These include: official state statistics, publications in the media and industry publications, reports from research centers, professional associations, data from international marketing agencies, and materials from the Internet.
The method allows you to get a large amount of information, take into account different points of view and approaches, and form an objective view of the situation in the industry.
Choose the industry you are interested in
Choose the solution you are interested in
Условия предоставления исследования:
данный проект индивидуально дорабатывается в соответствии с пожеланиями клиента.
Срок выполнения заказа: 15 рабочих дней.
Why choose us?
Our services are based on a unique combination of proprietary market research methods and a high level of human intelligence.