Identifying new profitable markets and in-demand products in accordance with the resources and competencies available to the customer.

The service is available to both novice entrepreneurs and existing businesses that are developing a strategy for further development.

What tasks are solved

  • development and joint implementation of a plan to enter a new market (opening a branch, launching sales of a new product, expanding business, etc.);
  • identification of new opportunities (effective models of work and building relationships with customers) for the development of the company.

Searching for prospective directions includes:

  1. Evaluating the company's internal capabilities
  2. Search for the most prospective niches and segments
  3. Competitive saturation
  4. An assessment of the potential profitability and payback

To evaluate the internal capabilities of the customer, the following is performed:

  • consultations on available resources, technical capacity, experience and competencies of key project initiators;
  • identify the strengths of the company that can provide a decisive competitive advantage.
Ilya Shilin

Ilya specializes in marketing research projects, business plans and strategic consulting.


Existing business
    • Possible areas of diversification.
    • Entering a new niche / segment.
    • Identify sales drivers and entry barriers.
    • New sales markets selection
    • Search for business expansion opportunities.
    • Choosing strategic directions for development and growth.
    • Evaluation and modernization of the sales model.
Новый бизнес
    • Study of the existing competitive environment.
    • Assessment of market capacity.
    • Assessment of market conditions before starting a business.
    • Analysis of the demand for the product on the market.
    • Formation of USP.
    • Planning marketing campaigns.
    • Positioning in the market.
The reorientation of the business
    • Assessment of the company's existing market assets and opportunities to reorient them.
    • Entering a new niche/segment.
    • Study of drivers and barriers of entry into new/adjacent market.
    • Assessment of the market environment.
    • Analysis of the demand for a new product on the market.
    • Exploring development and growth opportunities.
    • Evaluation of the sales model.

Search of promising business opportunities, methodologies

  • Desk research
  • Expert interview
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Consumer survey
  • Product testing
  • Study the experience
  • Statistics analysis
  • Monitoring of the market
  • Study of the portrait of the consumers
  • Market potential assessment
  • Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources

    Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources. These include: official state statistics, publications in the media and industry publications, reports from research centers, professional associations, data from international marketing agencies, and materials from the Internet.

    The method allows you to get a large amount of information, take into account different points of view and approaches, and form an objective view of the situation in the industry.

Why choose us?

Our services are based on a unique combination of proprietary market research methods and a high level of human intelligence.

Countries we work with
Completed reports
15 years
On the market
> 85%
Repeated requests
900 billion RUR
Attracted investments