Since 2007, we have accumulated experience in making management decisions based on marketing research and analysis of the specific marketing situation around the business.

We will help you identify the main problems of your company's economic, human resources, technological, or organizational plan and together outline ways to solve them.

The marketing support of specialists fully immersed in your business will provide you with a solid foundation for sustainable development in any economic environment.

What tasks are solved

  • determining the potential market capacity;
  • calculation of market growth rates;
  • identify trends that affect market development;
  • development of an effective promotion system;
  • identify and study the competitive environment;
  • identification of customer needs.

Comprehensive analytical support includes:

  1. Regular market monitoring
  2. Outsourcing of marketing and analytics departments
  3. Regular media monitoring
  4. Consulting service
  5. Creating a financial model for your business and its regular adjustments

Periodic updating of data on the market situation (competitors ' behavior, changes in state support and legislation, the appearance of a new product or a new player, etc.). Periodic provision of data on import and export operations, analysis of foreign trade databases.

Ilya Shilin

Ilya specializes in marketing research projects, business plans and strategic consulting.


    • Consulting the company's marketing department.
    • Joint development of the task and research methods.
    • Training of company employees.
Regular comprehensive market research

    • Outsourced marketing Department.
    • Regular updates of market information.
    • Study and analysis of market conditions.
    • Study of the external environment.
    • Analysis of the portfolio of production and sales activities.
    • Analysis of product competitiveness, etc.
Business support
    • Analytical support.
    • Adjust recommendations based on market research.

Complex analytical support, methodologies

  • Desk research
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Brainstorming and Business sessions
  • Analytical methods
  • Methods of interaction with employees of your company
  • Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources

    Collection, systematization and analysis of information from various sources. These include: official state statistics, publications in the media and industry publications, reports from research centers, professional associations, data from international marketing agencies, and materials from the Internet.

    The method allows you to get a large amount of information, take into account different points of view and approaches, and form an objective view of the situation in the industry.

Why choose us?

Our services are based on a unique combination of proprietary market research methods and a high level of human intelligence.

Countries we work with
Completed reports
15 years
On the market
> 85%
Repeated requests
900 billion RUR
Attracted investments