We develop strategies at all levels and directions: from the General, basic strategy for the development of the enterprise as a whole to a set of targets and ways to achieve them for production, marketing, Finance Department, HR service.

We use all available methods of marketing analysis and consulting, conduct interviews with owners, shareholders and key managers responsible for developing and achieving the targets of their divisions.

What tasks are solved

  • selection of target segments and focus on them;
  • development of the company's market positioning;
  • improved profitability;
  • increase in cash receipts;
  • acceleration of earnings growth;
  • increase in market share;
  • improving the quality of products/services;
  • managing the company's reputation.

The development strategy includes:

  1. Assortment policy
  2. Promotion strategy
  3. Pricing policy
  4. The strategy of exclusion from the competition
  5. Creating a USP by segment

To develop an assortment management policy:

  • industry consumers are investigated, hidden demand is studied, and the potential of free market niches is evaluated;
  • competitive advantages of products and goals to improve the economic characteristics of the company's product range are highlighted;
  • principles of differentiation (separation from competitors) are developed);
  • recommendations and forecasts are given for increasing or decreasing the share and profitability of each product group in the total portfolio, expanding or reducing the range of products in each product group (with a description of the circumstances), and so on.
Olga Simonova
Olga Simonova
Project Manager

Olga specializes in marketing research projects, business plans and strategic consulting.

Existing business
    • Selection of advantages in comparison with competitors.
    • Recommendations for rebranding.
    • Assortment expansion.
    • Marketing and positioning strategies.
    • Updating the USP.
New business
    • Search for your own niche in the market.
    • Competitor analysis.
    • Analysis of the target audience.
    • Recommendations on pricing, assortment and marketing policy.
    • Creating a product USP.
Obtaining financing

    We provide recommendations for creating investment attractiveness through business planning and conducting the analytical stage of the strategy.

Development strategies, methodologies

  • SWOT analysis
  • 5 forces model analysis
  • Portfolio analysis
  • ABC analysis
  • Determination of product life stages
  • Matrix methods of portfolio analysis
  • GE/McKinsey matrix
  • Identify opportunities and threats

    Identify opportunities and threats, analyze the company's strengths and weaknesses, select products and target markets, build an economic strategy, and determine the resources needed to implement it.

Why choose us?

Our services are based on a unique combination of proprietary market research methods and a high level of human intelligence.

Countries we work with
Completed reports
15 years
On the market
> 85%
Repeated requests
900 billion RUR
Attracted investments