MegaResearch agency presented research of the market of confectionery fillings at the exhibition "Agroprodmash-2019”

On October 7, 2019, within the framework of this exhibition, the IV All-Russian Forum of the Baking and Confectionery industry "Khlebnoe Delo" was held. MegaResearch agency took an active part in its work — the director of our agency Daria Podrez moderated the technological session "Modern technological approaches that shape the baking of tomorrow", and also made a report "The current state and prospects for the development of the Russian market of confectionery fillings".
During the session, technical and product solutions in baking and confectionery production, including current trends in their production and consumption, were discussed. In our report, we told:
- how the market of confectionery fillings has changed over the past 3 years;
- how fashion for a healthy lifestyle affects the structure of consumption of confectionery fillings;
- how does the drop in household income affect the level of demand for confectionery fillings;
- who is the main consumer of confectionery fillings;
- why did the import of thermostable fillings fall by almost 8 times, and non-thermostable fillings-increased by 18 times;
- why is the specific weight of fillings in the finished product reduced;
- how the market of confectionery fillings will develop in the next 5 years.
The complexity of this study was that there are no separate statistics on the production and foreign trade operations with confectionery fillings in our country. Standard methods of analysis for such markets do not work, so it is necessary to develop a special methodology to obtain relevant results. Our analysts did a lot of work, which aroused great interest: more than 50 participants of the forum — representatives of specialized companies requested an expanded version of the report, and during the break the discussion continued and even turned into a small additional presentation of the results obtained and the possibilities for their further expansion.
Our agency has long specialized in the analysis of the food market and its various segments, including those for which there is practically no source data in the public domain. We help assess the commercial feasibility of investments, calculate business plans, conduct consumer surveys and expert interviews, research and forecast market dynamics to solve specific business problems. Get expert analytics and develop your company together with the leading Russian marketing agency MegaResearch.