MegaResearch presented a report at the exhibition Ingredients Russia on the topic "How fashion for a healthy lifestyle affects the market of food additives for food products"

Some experts consider the trend for a healthy lifestyle to be a fashion that is formed under the influence of various "horror stories" about the dangers of food additives and substitutes for natural products. There is also a diametrically opposite view: the number of people who really think about what they eat is growing, and they have more and more influence on the structure of food consumption.
What is really going on in the food supplement market? Our PR Director Elizaveta Sharipova told about this at the discussion "Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle: the main directions of development and formation of a culture of consumption", held within the framework of the 24th International Exhibition Ingredients Russia on February 18, 2020. She made a presentation in which the following topics were discussed in detail:
- Dynamics and structure of the food additives market in Russia in 2018-2019
- The main factors and trends of the market development.
- Responsible consumption: whether the consumer is ready to overpay for eco-goods.
- Influence of the healthy lifestyle trend on the market of food additives.
The main conclusion of the report is that the market of food additives is developing under the influence of several multidirectional trends and the desire of a certain part of the population for a healthy lifestyle is one of them. Its influence will grow, because the number of supporters of healthy lifestyle is constantly increasing. This means that the share of natural and functional ingredients in food products of all categories, including the economy segment, will grow.
Do healthy foods have to be expensive? Can sausage be good for health? In the light of the presented report, these issues aroused particular interest, so a lively discussion ensued among the participants of the conference. The opinion that absolutely harmful, as well as absolutely useful products do not happen — everything is individual, the main thing is that the diet is balanced.
It is likely that the demand for high-quality balanced nutrition will determine the development of the food ingredients market in Russia in the near future. MegaResearch analysts predict the greatest growth in demand for natural food dyes, modified starches and especially vegetable bases, which in Europe have already passed into the category of mass products.
Our agency closely monitors current trends in the food market and regularly performs market research for its leaders. Contact us for professional analytics on any segments of the Russian food industry and other complex B2B markets.