MegaResearch presented an analytical report at the Interlight + Building online symposium

On November 26, 2020, within the framework of the section devoted to the prospects of development of the markets of electrical engineering, automation systems and building safety during the crisis, the head of the analytical group of our agency Elena Ivanshina made a report "Trends in the development of Smart Home systems and the needs of the target audience in the Moscow market".
The market of Smart Home systems in Russia is just beginning to form and, according to analysts, lags behind the world by about 5 years. Of course, the main trends of its development will repeat the global ones, but it is impossible to fully transfer the European or American experience to Russian consumers. The reason is in the peculiarities of the mentality: if abroad smart apartments and houses are chosen mainly for security reasons and saving resources, then the Russians in the first place are prestige, comfort and the ability to quickly monitor the condition of their loved ones staying at home.
At the same time, in the conditions of the economic crisis, the solvency of the population decreases, and the cost of equipment, which includes a lot of imported components, increases. Elena spoke about the results of a survey of consumers living in apartment buildings in Moscow, during which it was possible to identify the most popular smart home services today and the acceptable level of monthly costs for their payment for the target audience.
In addition, the report analyzes in detail the volume and structure of the market, drivers and constraints of its growth, key players and their shares, the main product segments in terms of their representation in the market and the degree of priority for consumers. The data voiced by Elena was obtained as a result of a study conducted by our agency in august-september, so they are useful and relevant at the moment. The participants of the symposium took them with great interest.
MegaResearch marketing agency specializes in studying complex and technologically intensive markets, including those where there is very little information in the public domain. We invite all those who need professional analytical support to make informed management decisions on business development to cooperate.