MegaResearch report on "What has changed in the rigid plastic packaging market over the past 30 years?"

Within the framework of the international specialized exhibition Upakovka-2020, which was held from 28 to 31 January 2020, an analytical session "Current state and prospects for the development of the packaging market" was held at Expocentre Fairgrounds on 31 January, organized by our agency.
During the session, our PR Director Elizaveta Sharipova made a presentation on the topic "The market of rigid single-use plastic packaging in Asia and Eastern Europe: major changes over 30 years". Our agency's analysts have conducted relevant research. Elizaveta Sharipova began the report with global trends in the packaging market, including increased consumption of packaging materials following the growth in demand for food products caused by population growth; increased shelf life of products, primarily due to the use of BOPP films; shifting the focus from product quality to packaging quality; gradually reducing the size and weight of the packaged product.
Overall, the total consumption of rigid single-use plastic packaging in Asia is 7.5 times that of Eastern Europe. At the same time, the largest volume of consumption is observed in China, and in Japan, negative dynamics is recorded. Next, Elizaveta Sharipova reviewed selected countries in Asia (Japan, China, India) and Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). In general, the share of modern materials (PET, A-PET, BOPET and PET-G) has increased in all countries under review. Everywhere, the share of polystyrene consumption decreased while maintaining the consumption of polypropylene. In addition, in all the countries under consideration, except China, the share of polyethylene use has decreased. The global market for rigid polymer packaging will grow by 3-3.5% in the coming years. The largest increase will be observed in China and India. In developed countries, consumption growth will decline, and after 2025 it will become negative.