The Russian digital (paid) TV market: state and development trends

Готовое маркетинговое исследование
The Russian digital (paid) TV market: state and development trends
  • Дата выхода отчёта: 06 октября 2009 г.
  • География исследования: Russia
  • Период исследования: 2009 (актуализация по запросу)
  • Язык отчёта: Английский
  • Способ предоставления: электронный
  • Описание

  • Содержание

Main research objectives are:
1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian digital (paid) TV market.
The research period is 2004-2009.
2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian digital (paid) TV market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian digital (paid) TV market are considered over near-term outlook.

Information sources:
1. Statistics figures of Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and Russian Ministry of Communications and Informatization.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West».

Outlook content:
The marketing review «The Russian digital (paid) TV market: state and development trends» is structured into four sections according to contents.
The first section is devoted to description of a general market characteristic, in particular: digital TV market state including: general state of the TV market, trends, basic development factors and problems of market.
The analysis of the general market state allowed defining the sizes and market potential in kind and value terms.

In the given section there are data on key participants as well, controlling the market in whole; public associations are also presented. Besides, state of digital TV is described in following segments: a segment of cable, satellite, IPTV and mobile TV; and also HD and LCD-TVs market of digital TV; the market operators’ distribution is shown in some regions.

In the second section features of the digital TV market in more details are revealed, viz: an infrastructure of foreign and Russian commercial space complex broadcasting in territories of Russia and the CIS countries; VSAT market; a network of radio & TV transmitters; general condition of the Russian commercial space-rocket complex; target programs of the Russian space-rocket industry development (existence of the digital TV market is almost impossible without space-rocket industry).
Also key financial estimated figures of leading market participants are presented in the review that allows in a sort to understand efficiency and productivity of their financial and economic activity.

Besides estimations and opinions of market participants on occurring situations and general prospects of further market development are resulted in the report; a profile of companies is presented who assume to take part in project of TV digitization and their key financial and economic activity figures. Participation of the state in realization of TV digitization project is considered as an individual question.
The third section contains data on basic Russian participants with their short characteristic, viz: owners of satellite capacities and service providers specializing in signal lifting; rendering of services by means of VSAT-terminals; service providers of channel communication; manufacturers of encryptions; manufacturers of digital equipment; cable operators; manufacturers of the Internet services; operators of mobile communication; manufacturers of TV content.

General prospects of the further market development and its segments are also considered in the review; forecasts in kind and value terms by base, optimistic and pessimistic variants of development detailed on number of subscribers and market profitability and its segments are presented. The given aspects are included in the fourth section of the report.

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