Identify customer needs

What do your clients need?

Do you constantly talk about the competitive advantages of your products through all possible communication channels, but do not get the expected effect? Check how much these benefits have value in the world of your customers. Consumers ' preferences change rapidly due to the economic situation, fashion, the appearance of new offers in related segments, the activities of competitors, and so on. Timely tracking of these processes will allow you to modernize your USP or change the emphasis in advertising campaigns and marketing events so as to emphasize the quality of the product or service that is relevant to the target audience. It is necessary to know the real needs of customers not only at the stage of launching a product on the market, but also at all other stages of its life cycle.

What is needed for this

  • We conduct a survey of your customer base for satisfaction with products/ services;
  • We study the offers of competitors (competitive intelligence) that work in your market and interact with your potential customers;
  • We analyze current trends in your market, including in the West and Asia, to build hypotheses about changes in consumer preferences;
  • We confirm the data obtained on the needs of consumers in the market by means of expert interviews with market participants.
Identify customer needs
Olga Simonova
Olga Simonova
Project Manager

Olga specializes in marketing research projects, business plans and strategic consulting.

> 85%
Number of repeated requests
> 100
Employees in the state
Number of studies conducted
Number of developed business plans