Determine your market share

How can we find out your market share?

Market share is an objective indicator that is calculated as the ratio of your product output to the total market volume. In fact, it characterizes the scale of the company's business in comparison with competitors. It is important to track your market share in dynamics: if it is growing, it means that development is going in the right direction, if it is declining, competitors are coming, you need to understand the reasons and give an adequate response. Special attention should be paid to these studies during periods of economic crisis, when the market situation is changing much faster than in stable times.

What is needed for this

  • We determine the volume of the entire market in the region of influence at the current time;
  • We allocate the largest players of the market participants;
  • We calculate the shares of market participants (domestic and foreign);
  • We compare the volume of their deliveries with other market participants, allocate % of the total share;
  • We divide the total market volume from 100% between market participants with the allocation of their share.
Determine your market share
Ilya Shilin

Ilya specializes in marketing research projects, business plans and strategic consulting.

> 85%
Number of repeated requests
> 100
Employees in the state
Number of studies conducted
Number of developed business plans